Located at 2910 Hudlow Rd Forest City, NC
Located at 3572 US 64 Hwy Rutherfordton, NC
Engine 2411 - First out engine at Station 1
2411 is a 2002 Pierce IHC and is equipped with a 1250 GPM pump. It holds 1000 gallons of water and 20 gallons of foam.
Engine 2413 - Second out engine at Station 1 and first out to mutual aid calls.
2413 is a 1999 American LaFrance and is equipped with a 1500 GPM pump. It holds 1000 gallons of water and 30 gallons of foam.
Rescue 24 - First out engine/rescue truck at Station 2
Rescue 24 is a 2015 Ferrara MVP Rescue Pumper and is equipped with a 1500 GPM pump. Rescue 24 holds 1000 gallons of water and 30 gallons of foam. It is also equipped with tools for Medium Rescue Operations and medical supplies
Rescue 2412 - First out rescue truck at Station 1
2412 is 1993 Ford F-800 equipped with a 1000 GPM pump. It holds 650 gallons of water. It is also equipped with tools for Medium Rescue Operations and medical supplies
Engine/Tanker 2415 - Spare truck at Station 2.
2415 is a 1987 FMC F-8000 equipped with a 1000 GPM pump. It holds 1250 gallons of water.
Tanker 2416 - First out tanker at Station 2 to all fires and mutual aid calls.
2416 is a 1993 White GMC American Fire Apparatus equipped with a 1000 GPM pump. It holds 2500 gallons of water.
Brush Truck/Medical Truck 2422 - First out brush truck and medical truck at Station 2
2422 is a 2005 Ford F-350 equipped with medical supplies and chainsaw for tree removal. It holds 300 gallons of water.
Brush Truck 2421 - First out brush truck at Station 1.
2421 is a 1982 Ford F-250. It holds 250 gallons of water.
Medical Truck 2425 - First out to medical calls at Station 1
2425 is a 2008 Ford F-250. It is equipped with medical supplies and chainsaw for tree removal.